
Mohala Johnson
September 22nd, 2019

Are you ready to start Getting Organized

Fall is the perfect time of year to begin the decluttering process. The holidays are coming, and with it new things. Both figuratively and literally in most cases. It is with this in mind that we’d like to take a moment to give you 3 reasons why self storage is perfect if you’re looking to declutter.

Reason One: Increased Space

When we find ourselves in need of change often we forget to start with our immediate surroundings. In this case we are saying that self storage might be the perfect solution for increasing your living space. Think of that bookcase in the corner that serves more as a knick knack shelf, why not place that in storage to see if you really need it or while you decorate the walls. Large objects such as oversized furniture or furniture you aren’t currently using but keep in your home can easily be moved into storage while you contemplate their future. Wither you keep it, sell it or junk it. Self storage helps you get things out of your home before you decide their future buying you some time (and space) to make these permanent decisions.

Reason Two: Organization

Life can be overwhelming at times, and being able to change up your living space might seem like an impossible task. Same as being able to do a ‘deep clean’ at the change of seasons. Self Storage is a way for you to declutter your home without throwing things out and regretting it later. We all crave change at  one point or another and often we begin the decluttering process without realizing the ramifications of our actions. You might’ve wanted to place that nightstand in the hall but alas, you threw it out last week and now you need to go to the store and acquire another. Let us help you with additional storage space while you organize and change up your environment.

Reason Three: Transitioning

Changes often happen wither we are ready for them or not, with self storage you are able to store thing until you are ready for them or until you land where you’re going. Keep your eyes on the prize and store your things until you’re ready to resettle. Self storage helps take the stress out of moving, you don’t have to take everything all at once. You can slowly transition into your new home, while arranging things the way you’d like instead of being rushed and hurring.No matter your reason for needing self storage, we are here to help make the storage process easy. Feel free to call us anytime, we are open 7 days a week !

This storage tip was brought to you by Tellus Self Storage Grayson Valley
Phone: 205.433.0332